Thursday, May 16, 2024


God's pla n to mankind is love, prosperity



THE first people God created in His image (to look like Him) and likeness (to function like Him) were Adam and Eve. He planted a Garden eastward in Eden and give it to them for a home – a place of health, life, prosperity, dignity, peace; a place of all supply and no lack; a place in God’s presence where they could enjoy rapport with God.  (Genesis 1 & 2). 

The Garden of Eden exhibited the lifestyle and circumstances for which God designed you.

It reveals that God meant you for love and not for hate or fear. 

You are made for life, not for death. 

You are made for health, not for disease. 

You are made for success, not failure.

You are made for good things, not for bad things.


God planned a good life for the people He created, but they messed it all up when they listened to Satan and rebelled against Him. The penalty for their sin was death. This death was separation from God and from the life God mean for them. This death corrupted man and every good thing God had made for man. (Genesis 3, Romans 5:12-14; 6:23). 


God is love and love doesn’t give up. God could not give up on man nor on His dream for man. He found a legal and just way to absolve mankind from the penalty of death for their sins, and reconcile him back to Himself and to the life He originally planned for him.

SUBSTITUTION was the legal answer. Someone who had no sin of His own, someone perfect, had to take their place and suffer their punishment. 

Man could not provide for himself a substitute. He could not save himself. So God reached out in love and provided a substitute, Jesus His own Son, to save man. 

This Jesus was a perfect substitute. He was not born of human seed that was corrupt with sin, so He was not born a sinner like everyone else. Science does show that the blood of a child, which is its life,  comes from the male parent and not from the female, the female only provides the body. That’s what Jesus got from Mary, a body, but His life was from God. For He was born of a virgin by the power of God. Not only was Jesus born righteous, He lived a sinless life, though He was tempted in every way like any human person. (Hebrews 4 15)

This is the man who assumed your penalty of death, and had you legally absolved of the penalty. Since no crime is punished twice, you were set free by His death.  

God has no charge against you. You are no longer guilty before God and need never be judged for any sin that you have ever committed. The judgment you deserved was put on your substitute, in your place, and that judgment can never be imposed on you again. This is the crux of God’s love in the Bible that we call Salvation. (2 Corinthians 5:17-21).

Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection was vicarious. VICARIOUS means ‘an act undertaken by someone in another’s place.’ He died for you, was buried for you, and resurrected for you.  He suffered in your place, so you could rest eternally from suffering. 

He wore a crown of thorns so you could become a king in His kingdom and wear a crown of glory. (Revelation 5:10).

He died so you could live. (2 Corinthians 5:14-18).

He took your place that you might take His place. Your place was that of sin and death; His place was that of life and righteousness. (2 Corinthians 5:21). 

He took your sicknesses so you could take His health. (1 Peter 2:24).

He became poor that you might become rich. (2 Corinthians 8:9).

He became a son of man, that you might become a son of God. (John 1:12).

He defeated Satan that you may have absolute power and victory over Satan and over all his works (Hebrews 2:14).

Whatever Jesus did, He did for you. He suffered so you could enter His rest. (Hebrews 4:10). 

He suffered for your sins, that you might receive the Gift of God, which is eternal life – the life and nature of God. (Romans 6:23).


Until and unless you identify yourself with the one who took your place, you cannot receive the salvation He secured for you. 

Your salvation involves your will. You have the right of choice which can’t and won’t be violated by the Almighty. You are free to accept what your substitute did for you or to reject it. 

In IDENTIFICATION you are saying, since what He did He did for me, then I don’t have to do it, freedom is mine. 

HE DIED FOR YOU, when you accept this, your old life of sin, sickness, failure and pain dies. 

HE WAS BURIED FOR YOU, when you accept this, your life of curses, misery, and failure becomes history – buried and forgotten.

HE DEFEATED SATAN FOR YOU, when you accept this, Satan cannot torment nor oppress you anymore, his power over you ends. 

HE WAS RAISED BACK TO LIFE TO GIVE YOU A NEW LIFE, when you accept this you become a new creation in Him and walk in newness of life, totally free from the old life that’s dead and buried. 


When you accept your substitute and what He did, when you identify yourself with Him, confess Him as Lord of your life, and believe that God raised Him from the dead to give you newlife, you are SEPERATED from the old life of sin and curses, and RECREATED for a new life of righteousness and blessings. You are made anew. You are born again. (John 1:12-13; 2 Corinthians 5:17). 

ETERNAL LIFE – the miracle life of God is given to you as a gift (1 John 5:10-13). This eternal life is the life and nature of God. (2 Peter 1:4).  

You receive TOTAL PEACE – freedom from anxiety, hypertension, fear, guilt and condemnation becomes your present hour reality.  (Romans 5:1.)

You can now enjoy FELLOWSHIP AND FRIENDSHIP with God, your Father, and life with God–the way you were designed to live on this earth. (1 John 1:3.)

HEALING AND HEALTH are activated in your spirit and begin to affect your body causing sickness to disappear and make you experience new physical and mental health. (Romans 8:11). 

The life of ABUNDANCE becomes your now life, and as you learn to live by faith, you enjoy all that Jesus made possible for you through His death, burial and Resurrection. 


When someone believes in Jesus, he is no longer condemned (Romans 8:1). HE IS JUSTIFIED. (Romans 5:1). 

But when someone rejects the substitute God provided for Him and what He did for him, that person will have to save himself, he will have to pay for his own sins, and since no man can save himself, those who reject Jesus condemn themselves to a corrupt life on Earth, and  to hell in the next. HE IS CONDEMNED. 

John 3:17-18 KJV

[17] For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. [18] He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

Why condemn yourself when God can justify you through faith in Christ Jesus? 

You are too beautiful to go to hell. You are too valuable to waste away. God has a better life for you in Christ. Why don’t you receive Him right now?


Dear God, I realise that I am a sinner and cannot save myself. Thank you for providing a substitute for me. I accept all that He did for me. Identify myself with Him in His death, burial and Resurrection. I believe that you raised Him from the dead to end my life of sin and slavery, and to give me a new life of righteousness and freedom in Him. I receive this new life now, as I confess Jesus as the Lord of my life. Thank you for saving me. I am a new creation. I am your child now. Hallelujah!

If you’ve prayed the above prayer and would love to learn more about your new experience call 0973641692




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