Katete’ renowned upcoming music producer, Shapulani Banda, says one can only earn a living from the Zambia music if they make sacrifices and are committed to their work.
Sharp Zee says the local music industry is full of “cut-throat” completion and is never for the faint hearted.
“It should be passion driven ‘” he said.
Sharp Zee said he has been producing music for the past three years but has had little to show for it.
“I am not into music to minting wealth but because I love it,” he told The Sun in an interview.
“Much of my experience in music production has been from talent identification, song writing, recording and mastering among other technical abilities,” he stated.
Born 29 years ago, the Vision Records founder also complained about the lack of music promoters in rural area which he said is seriously hampering the growth of music in the country side towns like Katete.
“We are a growing district with potential. It is unfortunate that most promoters only consider known artistes from outside the district when we also have a calibre of upcoming musicians with great talent,” stated Sharp Dee.
“It is unfortunate that most people with understanding of music promotion are based in Lusaka and are only out to make money when they visit rural districts and not to nurture promote,” he said.
Ok! Nice