ZANASE Ladies donate to Choma inmates (PICTURES)


THE Zambia National Service (ZANASE) Ladies Club in Choma has commemorated this year’s International Women Day by donating various goods to female inmates at correctional facility.

The donated goods included washing powder, sanitary pads, mealie meal, second hand clothes, and other food stuffs, worth K 7000.

Club chairperson, Lt. Col. Mwaka Hamumba, said that the service ladies’ visit to the facility was not just to donate goods but to also decide to offer spiritual and psychological guidance to the female prisoners.

The service ladies also visited the Children’s Nest Orphanage where they donated assorted food stuffs and groceries.

Receiving the donations, Children’s Nest coordinator, Chuma Mudenda, disclosed that the orphanage is comprised of double and single orphans and that it has been surviving on well-wishers like the churches and individuals.

“God have been touching people’s heart so they visit us and donate to the orphanage. Some churches have been visiting the orphanage too,” he said.

According to Mr. Mudenda, the orphanage currently has 69 children, aged between 3 and 20 years, of which only two were in school.

He commended government for coming up with a programme to support orphanages, and appealed to other people to come forward and make donations.

 “It will make a difference to children,” he stated.


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