THE man who witnessed the stabbing of a Lusaka young man at a Chinese market in Lusaka’s Longacres area, says he picked both the stabber and the victim and drove to the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) but it was too late to save Sebastian’s life.

And the family of the slain young man are shocked that his own friends who ate from their home and played with Sebastian, could take their brother’s life.

Brother to the victim (Left). Picture by SIMON MUNTEMBA

“It is sad that the people we cooked for and fed have turned-around and stabbed us in the back by murdering my brother, first cousin to slain Sebastian Lungu,” Naomi Mushanga has lamented.

And John Chimba, who was found at the funeral house told the Sun in an interview that he had earlier stopped the fight and asked the boys to go in separate directions but the two suspects followed Sebastian.

Some of the people at the mourning house: Picture by SIMON MUNTEMBA

“I was passing through JCS on that particular day, and I was driving, I found young boys fighting, I got concerned and parked, I rushed to go and stop the fight which I did and asked them to go in separate directions.
“After that, I was certain that the fight had ended, so my two friends and I decided to leave JCS because the place had too many unruly young-stars. To my dismay, as I drove out I found the fight had shifted to outside with, the security officers there just watched helplessly with other people cheering for the fight instead of stopping it.

“I got concerned again and parked my car to go and stop the fight, as I walked towards the two boys fighting, one of the boys came from behind me and jumped onto his friend with a bottle and went straight for his neck and stabbed him, the boy who was stabbed dropped to the ground and the one who stabbed him tried to run away, but was stopped,” Chimba narrated.

Chanda John Chimba

He added, “I took him (the stabber) to my car and locked him up there and I drove towards the boy who was stabbed, we tried to negotiate with the taxi drivers to rush him to the hospital but all of them refused and some even left the scene, so with the help of others we put him into my car and rushed to UTH, probably I didn’t rush fast enough to save his life as he was pronounced dead upon arrival at UTH.”

The back seat of the car that was used to take Sebastian Lungu to UTH

He said he reported and handed the two boys to Woodlands police and explained to the police what had happened.
This is a matter in which a brawl during a drinking spree amongst friends in Lusaka’s Longacres ended with the death of a 20-year-old Sebastian.

The two suspects have since been charged with murder

Naomi told The Sun in an exclusive interview at the funeral house of late Sebastian that the two men that are alleged to have stabbed her relative were his close friends who used to frequently visit their home.
According to the acting Police spokesperson Danny Mwale, Sebastian was stabbed in the neck with a bottle during a fight at JCS Bar in Longacres by his friends, Wezi Nkhata and Sydney Mwaleta both of Mtendere East and aged between 20 to 25 years respectively.

Sebastian Lungu

Mr Mwale said the two suspects have since been charged with murder and detained in police custody while the body of the deceased has been deposited in UTH mortuary awaiting postmortem.
Naomi said his cousin was a good young man and didn’t deserve to die in the way he was killed at the hands of his friends.

Sebastian was stabbed in the neck with a bottle during a fight at JCS Bar in Longacres

“We know very well those boys who stabbed him. They would come here and play with Sebastian in his bedroom here at our family house. We cooked for them, they eat and did whatever they wanted because we treated them as family members as they were close to my brother but it’s painful that they turned against him,” Naomi said.
Naomi who disclosed that Sebastian has left behind an 8 months pregnant woman said she wants the law to take its course.


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