Does Zesco hate Matero residents?


… Some parts of the township are
experiencing constant power outages


LUSAKA’S Matero residents are perturbed by continued electricity rationing commonly known as load-shedding’’ in the face of a rising crime rate in the area where criminals hide in dark places.

Residents interviewed by The Sun appealed for an explanation from the power utility, Zesco Limited, saying darkness offers refuge to criminals.

They urged the state owned utility to restore normal supply.

The residents said the load-shedding they experienced about three years ago seems to have come back to haunt them.

Speaking in an interview one of the residents and a shop owner in Matero East Township said the re-introduction of load-shedding in the area was disappointing considering that Zesco had not said anything about it.

Smart Phiri said the area experienced load-shedding every day as power is cut off for over two hours almost on a daily basis from around 18:00 hours to about 20:00 hours.

“We as Matero residents are disappointed because we experience load-shedding for over two hours every day without any notice from Zesco. Power is cut off every day from 18:00 hours to 20:00 hours.

“Sometimes power is cut off unexpectedly. Things are rotting in fridges. When we call Zesco for follow-ups, they put us on hold for over five minutes, advertising themselves using our airtime. Can the Energy minister or the Zesco managing director advise residents of Matero East and surrounding areas on the reasons why our area is technically cut off from power supply?” Mr Phiri said.

Mr Phiri said load-shedding was affecting business negatively for most traders in the area.

“Some of us are forced to use the gen-sets, which are expensive. Imagine someone running a hair salon or barbershop. How much profit can he or she make?’’ he asked.

He appealed to Government to come to the aid of the residents by ensuring that Zesco Limited rectified whatever problem was there before residents suffer more losses through wasted food.


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