Introducing Vincent JR
Writes @SunZambian
INCENT JR is a Zambian singer , songwriter, businessman and entrepreneur who is enjoying the success of his new song ‘ Oko Kumeka’.
Born on October, 14 in Kitwe, Vincent grew up as the only male child in a family of five.
He has musically worked with the likes of Tino Guibert , Ben Mini Blazer ,Chax ,Freddy Simzy and Jay B Walter on songs such as PAFUPI, KABISHEBISHE, CHOPAMBANA , ULIPO , MUTIMA, COMMANDO and now his latest single OKO KUMEKA.
He says his focus in music will always be on changing people’s lives and he strongly believes that love , joy and happiness can change the world.
He musically gets inspiration from the late great, JOE CHIBANGU.
“Music is a way of life and we look forward to getting awards and recognition through it,” he hopes.
Raised in Lusaka and now CEO and Managing Director of Limelight Sudios Zambia, Vincent is hopping to create a huge change in music.