‘My wife inspects my manhood for infidelity’




MY wife inspects my manhood every evening when I return from work to see if I have slept with other women, a 36 year old man of Chongwe District has told the Chelstone Local Court.

This is in a matter in which Dave Mwanza was sued for marriage reconciliation by his wife Monde Kabulukiswani, 28, of the same area on grounds that they were having endless chains of disputes in their marriage.

But Kabulukiswani complained to the court that she and her husband of three years have had no sex for four months now.

“Your honor, my husband has not touched me since September last year and when I try to ask him why he does not want to have sex with me he tells me that I look like a toilet in his eyes,

He also told me that marriage between him and her ended a long time ago and he was wondering why I had not yet gone back to my parents.

She explained that when she told Mwanza to take her back to her parents’ house, he replied that he did not have time to waste.

 Kabulukiswani said that her husband was also in a habit of going home late in the night and often drunk and that was why she did not trust him over the issue of women.

“When I tell him to be coming home early when he is off duty, he tells me that his mother did not raise him for me alone and that he is free to sleep with women he felt like without expecting anyone to question him,

“My husband only gives me a K300 for rentals, food for our child among other basic needs out of the K2, 700 that he gets every month” she explained.  

But Mwanza in his defence told the court that the biggest problem is jealousy from his wife as she did not want to listen to advice whenever people tried to correct her.

He complained that his wife wanted him to be locked up in the house by 19:00 hours, failure to which a fight and name calling would start.

The court upheld the claim on grounds that there was room for reconciliation of both parties despite jealous being the cause of their disputes in their marriage.

The court however advised the couple to live in harmony and that the Mwanza should be having sex with his wife as marriage.


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